Monday, March 2, 2009

I'm a "Yes Man"

As I was standing in line at the Thalia bookstore here in Mannheim, there was a lady a few people ahead of me who decided she wanted her book wrapped up. Now, I wasn't in a rush or anything, but I did think to myself as I was waiting there that there must be a more efficient way to get a book wrapped instead of holding up an entire line at the bookstore. I just thought that maybe it was somewhat of an inconvenience to others in the line. Of course it only took a minute or two, so it really wasn't that big of a deal, but I'm not much of a fan of waiting anymore than I have to.

Anyway, the line eventually started moving again and before too long it was my turn at the checkout. So, went up to the checkout lady and said, "Hallo", to which she respond "Hallo" along with some other words that I really could not catch. However, being the 'intelligent' person that I am (aka: not wanting to sound dumb for not speaking German) I simply assumed (and reasonably so in my opinion) that she asked if I found everything I wanted or something along those lines. Either way, I assumed it was a question to which "Ja" was an appropriate answer. Well, it turns out "Ja" wasn't the appropriate answer... unless of course I was planning on giving someone a paperback copy of The Bourne Supremacy as a birthday gift.

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