Tuesday, May 12, 2009

If these boots could talk, what a story they would tell

Well here they are. My old boots. They're worn and tattered-yet they are well educated world travelers. When they sat in the shop window 3 months ago, little did they know what kind of life they would lead. I know they are only a pair of cheap boots, but I've grown accustomed to the little darlings. They've been with me through exciting times, home sickness, great memories with friends and they've taken me everywhere I've wanted to go. I'm sad to say, Czech Republic was their last journey. There are holes in the bottom, the "pleather " is tearing away from the back and yes, I know the front does look like a mouth haha. They've walked the streets of the red light district, they've strolled along the cobblestone in Belgium, sprinted to the train in Cologne and Munich. The most dramatic of the memories were that of Prague. Us and all of our friends rented "boatcycles" or paddleboats as we Newfies call them. No life jacket, no problem. So we set sale! the big body of water was full of little yellow boatcycles, and us, paddling to our hearts content. Until we heard 2 ships coming sounding their horns. So, I started waving! How friendly these Czech people were. 2 seconds later it hit me. We're in their path, and boy were they clipping along. So Ronnie and I panicked (ok me more so) and got our legs moving to get out of the path of these oncoming ships. SCARY SCARY! So I know you know how it ends, we got away safe and sound, but it really was terrifying-yet exhilerating. I think my boots are to thank. A pair of flip flops would have flopped off the paddles, and a pair of heels would have cracked....not my boots, no siree, they saved us that day...and why not let them go out with a bang. So you still think, 8 euros/$12.67 CAD is too cheap to pay for a pair of boots? All I can say is the memories with them have been "priceless".

Monday, May 11, 2009

On The Streets Of Europe

In Newfoundland, a Porsche, Mercedes Benz or BMW is certainly worth a second glance. Some even a third or fourth. Here in Germany, if that were the case, you'd end up with a sore neck. Every other car here is a Mercedes or Beemer, and though they're still quite nice, I hardly ever notice them anymore. I still have a thing for Porsches, but even they seem a little more commonplace lately. The following list contains cars that I've seen (once) since being here, and they still certainly manage to get a second glance... along with a jaw drop and an awestruck gaze (alright, I'm not too sure if the models are the exact ones for some, but you'll get the picture):